
Two engineers working late at a factory using a Windows 11 laptop.

How Windows OS Modernization Improves Manufacturing Operations

Windows 10 has served you well. Now, it’s time to evolve capabilities by switching to Microsoft’s latest OS. We get it; you love Windows 10, and breakups are hard. But you’ll need to move on before the OS reaches its end of life (EOL). Come October 14th, 2025, Microsoft will no longer support Windows 10,…

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7/19 CrowdStrike Incident Response

Updates on the 7/19 CrowdStrike Incident Response  An update to the security firm’s Falcon service last night has led to many Windows users being unable to work this morning. Microsoft 365 is also affected. The Core BTS Managed Services team has received more than 1000 calls from customers looking for help. We’re publishing this page…

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Someone updating Windows OS on a laptop

Secure Your Future: Upgrading Windows OS with VMware Migration

Microsoft will officially end support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025. Upgrading to Windows 11 through VMware migration ensures a more secure, efficient, and cost-effective IT environment for your business. The Great Wall of China and the pyramids of Egypt were built to last forever. Operating systems (OSs)? Not so much. Windows 10’s lifecycle…

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Boost the Cybersecurity Posture of Your Financial Institution and Bridge the Expertise Gap with a Comprehensive Risk Assessment

The Risks Are Great. The Consequences Are Dire. You Need Expert Help From a Quality Partner. Maintaining a focus on cybersecurity is crucial for all organizations, but it’s particularly vital for financial institutions due to the dynamic nature of cyber threats. In today’s digital age, where accessing the financial sector is as easy as a…

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Cybersecurity expert holding a laptop.

Scaling Safely: Cybersecurity Strategies for Global Expansion in High-Stakes Industries

Discover practical strategies for navigating cybersecurity and compliance while scaling.

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Securing the Gateways: Navigating the Perils of Web App Security in Vendor Management  

Increasing attacks on web applications and supply chains make protecting vendor management systems paramount. Discover actionable strategies to fortify your digital defenses.

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Core BTS Sets Up Global Semiconductor Manufacturer for Ongoing Security & Compliance Success

Core BTS fortified Global Semiconductor Manufacturer against cyber threats with Microsoft Defender & Purview.

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Core BTS Helps Leading Battery Manufacturer Ensure Ongoing Application Security

Discover how Core BTS bolstered Leading Battery Manufacturer vendor app security, delivering assessments, workshops, and DevSecOps integration.

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Core BTS Helps Regional Banking Leader Evaluate, Elevate & Embed Security Operations

Discover how Core BTS transformed this Regional Banking Leader’s security landscape while empowering them to focus on client service while we safeguarded against cyber threats.

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enterprise application security blog feature

Proactively Enhance Enterprise Application Security

Learn the importance of a proactive, security-first approach in enterprise application development with secure coding, testing, and a Zero Trust methodology.

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