
Maximize Your Value on the Microsoft Platform

We are laser-focused on helping our clients accelerate time to value from their Microsoft products and services.

Powerful Partnership.
Proven Results.

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner and Azure Expert MSP, Core BTS is one of the leading Microsoft partners in the United States. Thanks to our proven capabilities with Modern Work and Azure, we confidently deliver across the Microsoft Cloud. When coupled with our Direct CSP status, we can skillfully maximize your Microsoft investment and deliver outcomes that accelerate digital transformation.


Solutions Partner Designations


Certifications held by our team


Advanced Specializations


Years of Delivering Value

We Specialize in Your Success

As a Microsoft partner, we have proven our expertise and excellence in delivering high-quality solutions across various domains and industries. We have earned 5 Microsoft Solution Designations and 11 Advanced Specializations, which demonstrate our deep knowledge, extensive experience, and customer satisfaction in the following areas below.

Getting these designations has become more challenging than ever. Microsoft now assesses partners based on their performance, skills, and track record of customer satisfaction. When a partner earns a Solution Designation, it signifies that Microsoft trusts them to deliver your projects to the highest quality standards.

Evaluates our people, processes, and tools and recognizes we have proven expertise providing managed services across the end-to-end cloud lifecycle at scale. We distinguish our organization’s sustainable, repeatable, and efficiently managed services across the full cloud lifecycle, allowing our clients to focus on their business priorities.
Evaluates our people, processes, and tools and recognizes we have proven expertise providing managed services across the end-to-end cloud lifecycle at scale. We distinguish our organization’s sustainable, repeatable, and efficiently managed services across the full cloud lifecycle, allowing our clients to focus on their business priorities.

Our Microsoft Programs are Next-Level

Cloud Solution Provider

As a Microsoft Direct CSP Partner, we can act as your trusted advisor, providing seamless access to Microsoft cloud solutions.

FastTrack Ready Partner

We can help accelerate and streamline the onboarding and adoption of Microsoft products and services, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing value.

Customer Immersion Experience (CIE)

We’ll manage the day-to-day so you can maximize your business. Our team stands ready to help handle your organization’s daily technology and security needs.

Featured Microsoft Solution Offerings


Digital & App Innovation

Cloud Native Apps, Power Apps, DevOps, Industry-Specific Bots



Teams Platform, Viva, Adoption 
& Change Management


Migrate & Modernize with Azure

Infrastructure and Workload Migrations, SQL Server on Azure, SAP on Azure



M365 Deployments, Secure Remote Work, NextGen 
Windows Experience


Data & Analytics

Data Foundation, Power Platform, AI & ML


Identity & Governance

Security Assessments, Endpoint Management, Governance 
& Compliance


365 Copilot

Works alongside Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and more.



Investment Strategy Insights, Direction, and Buying Power

Experience the Impact

The Power of Protection at Core BTS

Keystone Circle

Keystone Human Services Modernizes Their Remote Workplace for Frontline Workers

For over 50 years, Keystone Human Services (KHS) has been part of a global movement to provide support and expertise to people with disabilities – committed to building communities where people can thrive and fill valued roles.
Kroger Health Circle

Kroger Health is Reimagining Healthcare Through Cloud Modernization

The Kroger Company has long understood the importance of leveraging digital technology to improve the experience and lives of their customers, associates, and partners. Leveraging digital technology became critical with the rise of COVID-19, as Kroger experienced increased demand within their Healthcare business, Kroger Health. As a result, Kroger Health knew they needed to enhance the functionality and security of their application portfolio.
NRP Circle

Building Communities at Scale with Managed Services

NRP has a long-term vision of becoming the top developer, builder, and manager of affordable and market rate communities. While the industry has faced many challenges, NRP has maintained growth and become a leader in creating the highest quality communities that improve the lives of their customers and partners, even in the most uncertain of times.

News & Events

Driving Microsoft Success for a Retail Giant

See how Core BTS helped a major US retailer leverage Microsoft solutions to manage vaccinations, migrate data to the cloud, and pilot AI technology for enhanced efficiency.
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Modernizing the Tax Industry with NATP, Core BTS and Microsoft Collaboration

In the high-stakes environment of the tax industry, especially during the frantic pace of tax season, the National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP) recognized an opportunity to qualify innovation to enhance the quality of its services.
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Epic To Azure

Migrate Epic to Azure securely with Core BTS. Our expert team ensures a seamless EHR cloud migration, maximizing security, scalability & savings. Don't trust your critical data to just anyone.
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About Microsoft

Microsoft’s mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential by creating technology that transforms the way people work, play, and communicate. They are continuously creating new ways to empower people and improve business efficacy.

Optimize Your Future Today

Our team is ready to help you put security at the core of your company, provide you with more information, or answer any questions you may have.