

Beware of These 6 Phishing Tactics to Protect Your Users and Systems

Phishing attacks are common and varying. It’s not enough to just focus on system security; you must also think about user security. Here’s what to look out for.

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cyber attack recovery

5 Key Steps to Rapidly Recover From a Cyber Attack

Here are five key recovery actions you can take to improve your cyber security posture and reduce the scale and long-term ramifications of a data breach.

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cybersecurity myth secure

Cybersecurity Myth Busted: We’re Secure

There is no such thing as “secure vs insecure”. That’s not how security works. The adversaries only need to find the one risk you missed (or didn’t know about).

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cybersecurity myth ransom

Cybersecurity Myth Busted: We’ll Just Pay the Ransom

Paying the ransom will not immediately stop the attack and restore your systems. You still have to remove the initial attack vectors and infections.

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cybersecurity blog target

Cybersecurity Myth Busted: We’re Not a Target

Since every organization has something valuable it must protect, the reality is that every organization is a potential target for extortion-related attacks.

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security licensing blog feature

Does Your Security Licensing Match Your Security Posture?

The last thing you want to think about when dealing with IT security is licensing, but it can help ensure you’re protected and avoid surprise licensing costs.

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cybersecurity myth tools

Cybersecurity Myth Busted: Tools Are the Solution

Trying to secure an organization, data, or an environment does not revolve around tools. Instead, they must be managed with ongoing processes and procedures.

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security staff blog

Part-Time Staff Cannot Monitor and Manage Your Security

Security isn’t 9-5. You have concerns, risks, and attacks 24/7/365. Adversaries work around the clock. Therefore, your security also needs constant attention.

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Cybersecurity Myth Busted

Cybersecurity Myth Busted: Security Can Be Managed by IT

IT focuses on building and running systems to enable business. But Security asks if the systems are secure, if they can break them, and how they can be misused.

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ernie green industries logo

Ernie Green Industries Enters Industry 4.0 with Core’s OneContract

See how we helped this manufacturer overcome tight budgets, lean staff, disparate data, and outdated infrastructure to make the leap into Industry 4.0.

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