Data Analytics

data-driven pitfalls

Data-Driven Organizations Avoid These 7 Common Pitfalls

Everyone wants to become data-driven. But, before you start modernizing your data, make sure you watch out for these common data transformation pitfalls.

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data transformation feature

How Data Transformation & Modernization Can Change Your Business

When organizations think of transforming into a data-driven culture, most just think it just impacts ETL. But true data transformation impacts far more….

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data silos feature

Tear Down Your Data Silos to Make Better Data-Driven Decisions

It’s easy to make uninformed decisions when data is siloed. But to make the most informed decisions possible, you need to leverage all aspects of your data.

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ernie green industries logo

Ernie Green Industries Enters Industry 4.0 with Core’s OneContract

See how we helped this manufacturer overcome tight budgets, lean staff, disparate data, and outdated infrastructure to make the leap into Industry 4.0.

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nwtc logo

Integrated Business Intelligence Solution

See how we helped NWTC create a central repository of data and analysis tools to help them determine which factors led to their students’ success.

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enterprise data warehouse

Enterprise Data Warehouse Delivers Single Source of Truth and Streamlines KPIs

By consolidating data into an Enterprise Data Warehouse, KPIs and business terms were standardized to give this wholesale client a single source of truth.

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enterprise data warehouse

Cloud-Based Inventory Management Data Warehouse

Core delivered a cloud-based Azure BI solution that derives insights on ideal stocking levels and part variety while avoiding costly on-prem investments.

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Power BI reports on tablet

How Aggregation Tables Improve Performance for Power BI Reports

This dive into aggregation tables will help you decide when to use them in Power BI to improve your data model and query performance.

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Data Scientists

How to Find, Train, and Empower Citizen Data Scientists

Citizen data scientists help fill the gap in data talent – giving businesses the data talent so sorely needed to use AI and ML to solve business problems.

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Starry sky with trees

Power BI Tips for Star Schema and Dimensional Data Modeling

This blog covers the advantages of using dimensional data models in your Power BI datasets + some additional tools that can optimize your dataset performance.

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