Application Modernization

user story splitting guide feature image

What are User Stories and Why Should You Split Them?

Story splitting is one of the most deceptively difficult skills to master in agile. In this guide, we guide you through key concepts you need to follow.

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navigate digital frontier with application modernization

Navigate the Digital Frontier with Application Modernization

Application modernization is crucial for businesses, enabling scalability, agility, and innovation. Legacy systems are outdated and costly – hindering growth.

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windows server 2012 eol blog feature

Windows Server 2012 End-of-Life Risks, Options, and Next Steps

Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 extended support ends October 2023. Here are the business implications, your options, and how to find your best path forward.

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top 10 blogs 2022 feature

Best IT Blogs: Our 10 Most Popular Blogs of 2022

As 2022 wraps, our 10 most popular blogs show that business leaders and influencers want to know how to make the most of their technology investments.

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customer digital experience optimization

Customer Digital Experience Optimization: Steps, Benefits, Tips

Creating positive digital experiences are vital to capture and keep market share. Here’s how (and why) to create optimal online experiences with your business.

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application modernization feature

Application Modernization Yields a Competitive Edge: 5 Scenarios

The need for application modernization should go beyond fixing technical debt. In this blog, we will explore ways it can increase business value and add ROI.

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application solutions feature

4 Application Solutions to Modernize Your Company

How do you decide on an application modernization strategy? In this blog, we cover four solutions that can improve efficiency and optimize any company.

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modernize legacy applications

Are Legacy Applications Holding You Back?

New technologies, improved functionality and smoother business processes are all reasons to consider a modernization of your legacy systems and applications.

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build vs buy pros and cons matrix

Build vs Buy Software? Choose Correctly with this Pro-Con Matrix

To help you make an objective build vs buy decision, this matrix of pros and cons details the factors you need to consider to make the best long-term decision.

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Total Cost of Ownership is a Mindset Problem – Not a Math Problem

Businesses rarely consider a custom application’s lifecycle in their business strategy, but these 3 pragmatic mindsets can help you approach your app’s TCO.

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