Our Work

Case Studies

Managed Services

Revolutionizing End User Satisfaction: How Core BTS Transformed a NYC Nonprofit

Discover how Core BTS revitalized a NYC nonprofit's user satisfaction, resolving technical hurdles, and optimizing support. Explore our unwavering partnership driving their journey to success!

Core BTS Sets Up Global Semiconductor Manufacturer for Ongoing Security & Compliance Success

Core BTS fortified Global Semiconductor Manufacturer against cyber threats with Microsoft Defender & Purview.

Core BTS Helps Leading Battery Manufacturer Ensure Ongoing Application Security

Discover how Core BTS bolstered Leading Battery Manufacturer vendor app security, delivering assessments, workshops, and DevSecOps integration.

Core BTS Helps Regional Banking Leader Evaluate, Elevate & Embed Security Operations

Discover how Core BTS transformed this Regional Banking Leader's security landscape while empowering them to focus on client service while we safeguarded against cyber threats.
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Philadelphia Federal Credit Union Takes Control of Their Licensing Portfolio with Core BTS

See how Core BTS gave PFCU a strategic licensing plan to implement their cloud technologies and realize 25% in savings.
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Productivity & Collaboration

Keystone Human Services Modernizes Their Remote Workplace for Frontline Workers

See how Core BTS enabled KHS to digitally transform to support their remote workforce - ensuring their individuals continued to receive uninterrupted services.