Revolutionizing End User Satisfaction: How Core BTS Transformed a NYC Nonprofit



Transforming End-User Satisfaction: Core BTS Revamps New York City Nonprofit's Experience


Business Situation

Serving 50,000 people annually at 84 locations throughout New York City, this health-and-human services nonprofit has, for more than a century, provided vital resources that children, families, and adults need to help achieve success in life.

But in recent years, complaints were rising from end users ­at the nonprofit’s dozens of locations about their support experience when they engaged with the overseas-based managed services provider that the nonprofit was working with.

To fix those issues and get the level of satisfaction for end users where it needed to be, the nonprofit needed a new partner.


Our Solution

Seeking a managed services provider more driven by service-level agreements and capable of delivering the patch management that the health-and-human services nonprofit demanded as part of the healthcare industry, the organization turned to Core BTS. And we got to work at turning things around. 

Our team dove in to optimize everything from the support provided if time clocks or printers went down at a location to ensuring that circuits and internet connectivity were stable and reliable. These efforts included offering remote support, as well as having on-site resources tackle technical issues at nonprofit locations hands-on.

Core BTS also helped to improve the nonprofit’s desktop and server patch management, while also establishing stronger processes for the organization’s operations. This included building out run-books and keeping them active and updated through weekly calls with the nonprofit’s management team to discuss the latest changes in the organization’s business.


The Results

Our team’s success in optimizing and managing those service areas opened the door for opportunities with the nonprofit around application monitoring. 

Today, the nonprofit’s end users are much happier and no longer complaining about a lack of support when it comes to technical issues. Core BTS is continuing to expand our services with the nonprofit to help the organization meet its own goals for success by helping its constituents achieve it.