A large and growing sales team needed a visible and consistent process for performance reviews. See how Core BTS solved it, leading to a 90% adoption rate.
When you think about your security programs, do you think of security as the final goal? If so, we debunk three claims we often hear to justify that stance.
Pen testing is short for penetration testing. This simulation of real-world security attacks can find and report on your security and privacy vulnerabilities.
In custom application development, it can be challenging to compare security safeguards and value-enhancing business functionality when prioritizing a backlog.
IT is often frustrated with rogue low-code application development from business areas. But here's how they can collaborate to adopt low-code app platforms.
In .NET Framework 4.5, async/await keywords were added to make async programming easier to work with. However, there are a few gotchas you may not know about.