Core Blog

Productivity & Collaboration

Two engineers working late at a factory using a Windows 11 laptop.

How Windows OS Modernization Improves Manufacturing Operations

Windows 10 has served you well. Now, it’s time to evolve capabilities by switching to Microsoft’s latest OS. We get it; you love Windows 10, and breakups are hard. But you’ll need to move on before the OS reaches its end of life (EOL). Come October 14th, 2025, Microsoft will no longer support Windows 10, […]
Someone updating Windows OS on a laptop
Modern Work

Secure Your Future: Upgrading Windows OS with VMware Migration

Microsoft will officially end support for Windows 10 on October 14, 2025. Upgrading to Windows 11 through VMware migration ensures a more secure, efficient, and cost-effective IT environment for your business. The Great Wall of China and the pyramids of Egypt were built to last forever. Operating systems (OSs)? Not so much. Windows 10’s lifecycle […]
Physician accessing a health system on a computer
Artificial Intelligence

Enhancing Patient Care: Overcoming Technological Hurdles for Improved Experiences

As technology disrupts the healthcare sector, organizations must leverage it to deliver better care and meet patient expectations. While healthcare is a hands-on field, technological advancements are transforming how caregivers deliver services—and how patients receive them. Technology solutions have proven to improve patient outcomes, increase patient volume, save money and time, and boost revenue. Perhaps […]
Developers coding on multiple desktop computers.
Hybrid Infrastructure

Transforming IT Infrastructure for Enhanced Collaboration, Security, and Business Growth

As a business expands, there’s a corresponding need to improve the IT environment and address increasing cybersecurity threats to stay competitive. Business and IT leaders increasingly lead digital transformation initiatives to drive growth and profitability. According to Gartner, global IT spending will reach $5 trillion in 2024, representing a 6.8% year-over-year increase. However, significant challenges […]
Manufacturing engineers discussing data insights from a computer.
Hybrid Infrastructure

Industry 4.0 on a Budget: Overcoming Resource Constraints for Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 is transforming manufacturing practices and needs to be on the C-suite agenda. We unpack its advantages and how to get started with a tight IT budget and lean internal staff.  The much-heralded fourth industrial age, or Industry 4.0, is a reality, and it’s hard to overestimate its significance. The systems and technologies behind […]
Modern Work

23 New Updates to Microsoft Teams | May 2024

I hope everyone is enjoying the Spring and new Teams. I had the opportunity to attend the Microsoft 365 Community Conference from April 29 – May 2 and there were announcements about a lot of new features we can expect in Microsoft Teams in the near future. In the meantime, we are catching up this […]

Revitalizing Productivity and Security: Conquering Aging Application Infrastructure Challenges with Modernization

Legacy or aging application infrastructure could hold you back more than you think. Discover how modernization revitalizes productivity and security.
Modern Work

24 New Updates to Microsoft Teams | March 2024

As NEW Team becomes the dominant version over Teams Classic, this blog dives into all the new features February has to offer - impacting activity feed, chat messages, search, and more.
Modern Work

Transforming Collaboration for Enhanced Efficiency and Secure Connectivity

Core BTS is transforming collaboration and connectivity through digital transformation for Keystone Human Services. This article discusses common problems remote organizations face and how the problem is solved for a nonprofit organization.
Modern Work

13 New Updates to Microsoft Teams | February 2024

As NEW Team becomes the dominant version over Teams Classic, this blog dives into all the new features February has to offer - impacting activity feed, chat messages, search, and more.
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