Hybrid Infrastructure

datacenter evpn blog feature

Time to Reconsider MP-BGP EVPN for Your Datacenter Network?

Most datacenter architects discounted using a native VxLAN design because of multiple challenges and limitations. But here’s why it might be time to reconsider.

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ernie green industries logo

Ernie Green Industries Enters Industry 4.0 with Core’s OneContract

See how we helped this manufacturer overcome tight budgets, lean staff, disparate data, and outdated infrastructure to make the leap into Industry 4.0.

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Pointing to desktop screen with code

How to Unlock the Organizational Value of Digital Transformation

It’s time to re-think the role and function of IT. Instead of being a stand-alone entity, it must be aligned with the business to deliver increased value.

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kroger health logo

Kroger Health is Reimagining Healthcare Through Cloud Modernization

See how we helped Kroger Health deploy a solution to deliver and administer COVID-19 vaccines to their customers and communities across more than 35 states.

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Bob Evans Cloud Adoption

With Core BTS managing all aspects of their cloud lifecycle, Bob Evans was able to realize agility, cost predictability, and top-notch security.

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Baisch Engineering Saves Website Costs with Cloud Migration

See how we helped Baisch get set up in Azure, deploy several existing project sites, and provide documentation and guidance on the deployment process.

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enterprise data warehouse

Cloud-Based Inventory Management Data Warehouse

Core delivered a cloud-based Azure BI solution that derives insights on ideal stocking levels and part variety while avoiding costly on-prem investments.

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Are You Falling into the Cloud Conversation Gap?

App dependency mapping, workload and data analysis, and app modernization are all important, but don’t overlook aligning your network with your cloud strategy.

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Global Healthcare Technology Company Moves Windows Servers to Azure

Core BTS helped a global healthcare technology reduce security vulnerabilities by moving legacy Windows Servers to Microsoft Azure.

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Mountains and clouds

Azure Tips & Tricks: Preventing Headaches with Cosmos Document IDs

The following simple tip regarding Cosmos DB’s document identifier property may help you avoid creating a hard-to-find bug in your code.

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