Cisco On-Premises Calling End-of-Life Options and Next Steps
The Cisco On-premises Calling end-of-sale date for Version 12.5 is August 31, 2023. Here are your best next steps to upgrade your collaboration capabilities.
Cybersecurity Myth Busted: Tools Are the Solution
Trying to secure an organization, data, or an environment does not revolve around tools. Instead, they must be managed with ongoing processes and procedures.
Time to Reconsider MP-BGP EVPN for Your Datacenter Network?
Most datacenter architects discounted using a native VxLAN design because of multiple challenges and limitations. But here's why it might be time to reconsider.
Part-Time Staff Cannot Monitor and Manage Your Security
Security isn't 9-5. You have concerns, risks, and attacks 24/7/365. Adversaries work around the clock. Therefore, your security also needs constant attention.
Cybersecurity Myth Busted: Security Can Be Managed by IT
IT focuses on building and running systems to enable business. But Security asks if the systems are secure, if they can break them, and how they can be misused.
5 Steps to Reduce Your Ransomware Risk
With these steps, your business can ensure that when a ransomware attack occurs, the damage is minimized so you can recover quickly with less long-term damage.
Beware of These 6 Common Gaps in Environmental Security
Of the hundreds of ways an environment or data can be breached, these are six of the most common gaps we have been seeing in client environments today.
Cybersecurity Myth Busted: Security is the Final Goal
When you think about your security programs, do you think of security as the final goal? If so, we debunk three claims we often hear to justify that stance.
Penetration Testing – What It Is, The Types, and When to Do It
Pen testing is short for penetration testing. This simulation of real-world security attacks can find and report on your security and privacy vulnerabilities.
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