As 2022 comes to a close, we wanted to share with you the top 10 blogs that resonated the most with our readers.
Ranging from Microsoft Teams to Cybersecurity, our most popular blogs show that business leaders and influencers like yourself want to know how to make the most of your technology investments, how to succeed at M&A and software development, and how to protect your organization from security threats.
In case you missed any of these throughout the year, here are our top 10 blogs of 2022 (ranked by popularity).
1. Microsoft Teams Monthly Feature Updates
This series was very popular – accounting for thousands of unique readers throughout the year. Each month, one of our Microsoft Teams experts highlighted that month’s features and explained their business impact.
Focusing on the features’ use to end users like yourself made all the difference. Simply listing features isn’t helpful. Anyone can do that. But not everyone has the day-to-day experience with the platform and users to understand what features truly matter and how they can improve your daily work.
Click here to read the December edition.
2. Using Teams to Improve Project Team Communication & Collaboration
Enabling productivity and collaboration with Microsoft Teams is one of our specialties. Though organizations all over the world are using Teams, our consultants cringe when they hear comments like, “Teams is just another chat tool”, because that tells us that Teams isn’t being used to its full potential.
While there are general tips and tricks for unlocking the full potential of Teams for your organization, we see the most success when organizations take a business need or problem and solve for it using Teams. In this popular post, we explain how to leverage Teams to improve communication and collaboration with your project team.
Click here to read the Teams article.
3. Mergers and Acquisitions: Common Challenges and Solutions
If you’ve ever been through a company merger or acquisition (M&A), you know it’s not always a smooth experience. Regardless of the size of your company, there are many things that can go wrong. Helping organizations successfully navigate M&A is one of our specialties.
In this popular article, we distilled our years of M&A experience to help you plan ahead by covering several common challenges organizations often face during M&A – as well as the steps we recommend you take to help avoid and overcome them.
Click here to read the M&A article.
4. Build vs Buy Software? Choose Correctly with this Pro-Con Matrix
In the realm of digital transformation, the build vs. buy debate is an active dialog. Over the years, we have been in countless conversations with our clients about this debate. One of our favorite one-liners is, “We could build a lot of software for the kind of money companies spend on ERP projects.” But we know there are legitimate arguments on both sides of the Build vs. Buy debate.
To help our clients evaluate their options and make an objective decision, we have developed a simple matrix of pros and cons that we share in this article with background and explanations for each.
Click here to read the Build vs. Buy article.
5. Datacenter Modernization: Can’t Get There from Here
Comprehensive change to a datacenter is difficult for many reasons. Datacenters are not a monolithic technology. Instead, they are a collection of disparate technologies that were manually integrated over time by engineers with various skill levels and priorities. These engineered integrations gradually led to more complexity, slower innovation, slower deployment of new services, and increased costs. Many organizations accumulate this type of technical debt over time, and it makes it more difficult to support and incrementally modernize the datacenter.
In this popular datacenter post, we cover how to modernize your datacenter to stay competitive and provide a level of service on par with XaaS alternatives, and how to build a new modern datacenter (in the same footprint) without having a negative impact to the business.
Click here to read the Datacenter Modernization article.
6. Tear Down Your Data Silos to Make Better Data-Driven Decisions
Data silos lead to inconsistencies across your business and to uninformed decisions based on a limited view of your data. To compete in today’s data-driven world, companies need to leverage all aspects of their data to make the most informed decisions possible. This requires evolution from a siloed data environment to an integrated data platform. Support from leadership is paramount, and persistence is key, or your new data platform will become just another data silo.
In this popular data post, our experts explain how data silos are formed, the challenges they create, and how to tear them down to truly become a data-driven organization.
Click here to read the Data Silo article.
7. Could Microsoft’s Newest Licensing Updates Benefit You?
Understanding how to maximize your Microsoft investment can be challenging and time-consuming. The complexities of licensing and continuous cloud delivery can leave you with more questions than answers. What subscription model is best for your business? Are you overbuying? How will future changes to your business impact cost?
This year, Microsoft announced sweeping licensing changes that may positively impact their customers. In this timely post, we cover the three most important changes and how they may benefit you.
Click here to read how Microsoft licensing updates may benefit you.
8. Cybersecurity Myth Busted: We’re Not a Target
Every organization has some type of value to attackers – whether it’s client data, employee data, trade secrets, or whatever information your organization values. Even if you can honestly say your data has absolutely no value to attackers, the real question isn’t, “Does your data have value to the adversaries?” It’s, “Does your data have value to you?” If the adversaries take your data away from you, what’s the impact on your organization (even if it has no value to them)?
In this popular blog, our security experts help you understand why your organization is a target and what to do about it.
Click here to read the article about this busted security myth.
9. Cybersecurity Myth Busted: We’ll Just Pay the Ransom
When organizations downplay security by claiming they’ll “just pay the ransom to make it go away”, they’re assuming that cyber insurance will take care of it. The problem with this approach is that ransomware attacks rarely begin and end with the ransomware. Once the ransom is paid, you must still go through the recovery, restoration, or rebuilding process.
In this popular blog, our security team helps you understand the mentality of cybercrime groups and what paying a ransom actually gets you.
Click here to read more about this busted security myth.
10. How to Increase Productivity with Your Microsoft 365 Investment
If you have Microsoft 365, have you explored all the tools available to you and how to leverage them? Probably not. Who has enough time? To give you a jump start, this popular blog covers several excellent productivity tools and their features.
Click here to read the M365 Productivity article.
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