By Core BTS | Jul 20, 2020

Identifying Workloads to Migrate to Azure

Migrating to the cloud can be challenging — whether moving your existing environments or upgrading to the latest platform, the work requires thorough planning, consulting, technical knowledge and attention to details. There are many approaches to starting a cloud migration project but not leveraging the cloud is a problem in and of itself.

We recently hosted a virtual “Data Transformation Summit” where we brought together industry experts to chat through cloud, security, data and a modern approach to infrastructure. To help customers understand where to start with their cloud migration journey, our very own National Director of Cloud Platforms at Core BTS hosted a session on “Identifying Workloads to Migrate to Azure.”

In the session, David provided insights and recommendations for organizations who are trying to prioritize workloads to migrate to the cloud. So how do you identify what you should migrate to cloud solutions like Azure? It depends.

Our approach is that of an iterative journey to the cloud – one that requires more than a set it and leave it approach.

Core BTS is a digital transformation consultancy that helps organizations simplify technical complexity, accelerate transformation, and drive business outcomes.

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