AI Readiness Assessment
AI isn’t slowing down anytime soon.
How ready are you to keep up?
AI technologies have been slowly but powerfully improving over the last few years. Then, OpenAI changed everything overnight.
And this will happen again and again and again.
Every organization is unique, and we’re here to make sure you’re ready to take advantage of the most powerful technologies of today … and tomorrow.
We take organizations through a three-step AI readiness process that includes:

Vision Casting and Maturity Scoring
Understand opportunities for AI and determine how it can add value to your business. Together, we’ll establish your AI vision and implementation plan.
• AI Vision & Strategy
• AI Maturity Levels

Enterprise Landscape and Strategic Analysis
Review organizational readiness for AI. Do you have the security, maturity, processes, skills and people needed to make AI part of your business?
• Enterprise Landscape
• Governance, Risk & Compliance
• Value Streams and Capabilities

Roadmap Development
Develop an AI roadmap and change management plan to support your business transformation and end-user adoption.
• Infusion of AI
• End User Communication
• Now, Next and Later Implementation Plan
Speak with Core BTS about your AI Readiness
Speak with Core BTS about your AI Readiness
We take organizations through a three-step AI readiness process that includes:

Vision Casting
Understand opportunities for AI and determine how it can add value to your business. Together, we’ll establish your AI vision and implementation plan.
• AI Vision & Strategy
• Now, Near and Next Implementation Plan

Readiness Review & Scoring
Review organizational readiness for AI. Do you have the security, maturity, processes, skills and people needed to make AI part of your business?
• Enterprise Landscape
• Governance, Risk & Compliance
• Organization Maturity Levels
• Business Processes

Roadmap Development
Develop an AI roadmap and change management plan to support your business transformation and end-user adoption.
• Infusion of AI
• End User Communication
• Training Plans